
BookWyrm is an open-source, federated book reading platform that allows users to discover, read, and discuss books. This guide will walk you through the process of installing BookWyrm on Debian 12.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  1. A Debian 12 server or desktop system
  2. Root or sudo privileges
  3. Python 3.7 or later installed
  4. Git installed
  5. A domain name pointing to your server (optional)

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Update the package index and install required dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-venv git build-essential libpq-dev python3-dev

Step 2: Clone BookWyrm Repository

Clone the BookWyrm repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd bookwyrm

Step 3: Set Up Virtual Environment

Create a virtual environment for BookWyrm:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Step 4: Install Python Dependencies

Install Python dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 5: Configure BookWyrm

Create a local settings file and set up the database:

cp bookwyrm/settings/ bookwyrm/settings/
python migrate
python collectstatic

Step 6: Create Superuser

Create a superuser for the BookWyrm instance:

python createsuperuser

Step 7: Run BookWyrm

Run the BookWyrm development server:

python runserver

Step 8: Access BookWyrm

Access BookWyrm by navigating to your server's IP address or domain name in a web browser, followed by port 8000 (e.g., http://your_domain_or_ip:8000).


Congratulations! You have successfully installed BookWyrm on Debian 12. You can now start using BookWyrm to discover, read, and discuss books.

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